Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Comparing Salaries

                                                                      Estimated Job Salaries
Nurse Anesthetist -

U.S - $154,390
Michigan - 170,000

Herpetologist -

U.S. - $57,430
Michigan - between $52,520 and $104,020

Marine Biologist -

U.S - $53,230
Michigan - $67,870

Physical Volcanologist (for Hawaii)-

U.S - $85,500
Michigan - $88,810

Veterinarians -

U.S - $82,040
Michigan - $34,000

These are the top 5 jobs that I would like to do. I would prefer to become a Herpetologist more than anything else, but these are the other jobs I am interested in. I noticed that the job salaries in Michigan are a lot higher than in the United States.

Thursday, March 21, 2013


My mom Tina works for The Lucas County Board of Development Disabilities. She is a Habilitation Specialist and works with mentally and physically handicapped adults. She writes goals for them and works with them to help them become more independent. To get this job, my mom had to have a Bachelors in Special Education and Social Work. She graduated from The University of Toledo and Bowling Green. Getting up in the morning can sometimes be an issue for my mom because it is at the same time my brothers and I get up for school and so she has to help my brothers get ready. She has to make sure my brothers eat breakfast and get on the bus. When asked about what she thinks about her job and getting up in the morning my mom answered, "I don't love it, but I enjoy it. I like the clients I work with but not really the staff."

My dad Jeff works for a software program called Great Lakes Cam. He is a Software Technician who travels all around Michigan teaching classes and training people on how to use certain software and file programs. Sometimes my dad works from home on his laptop, and spends a lot of time on it. Other times he will be gone for a day or two because he has to go to Traverse City or Chelsea and sometimes even Lansing. A two-year associates degree specialized in Drafting and Design is needed to qualify for this job. When asked about what he thinks about his job my dad answered, "I like my job. Not so much the training but I like the staff and things I get to do." Getting up early in the morning isn't something my dad really worries about because most of the time he works from home and can sleep in.

Makayla Burgard Hr.5    

Emerging Technology Part 1

Ultra-Efficient Solar
Last winter, a record was set for solar energy by a startup called Semprius. Semprius has little glass lenses which takes up light and converts 34 percent of the light into electricity. It's said that Semprius is so efficient it could soon make electricity cheaply enough to compete with power plants fueled by coal and natural gas. The system works best when the cells receive direct sunlight under a cloudless sky, and energy production drops significantly under any other conditions. Even so, it could be suitable for large, utility-scale projects. Semprius has to begin mass-producing its panels before mass production. The company has raised about $44 million from venture capital firms and Siemens already but plans this to open a small factory in North Carolina this year that can make enough solar panels to deliver six megawatts of electricity. The hopes are to expand that to 30 megawatts by the end of 2013, but a large unknown amount of money needs to be raised.
Technology is definitely getting a lot more advanced, and one main subject that most scientist seem to concentrate on, is that of the prices of technology. Not just that but of electricity. They are finding more and more ways of getting easier electricity, which will be cheaper for everyone using it. It surprises me how much electricity these panels are creating and it's all just from light, so we don't even have to do anything. Our future will definitely be more efficient and complicated. Everything will have a use by technology and it will probably be all that people even do.
In 2009 there was technology considered to be emerging, but now we are so familiar with them and use them all the time. Some of these things include what we use on the computer. Like using software as a personal aid, ultradense memory chips, and liquid batteries that allow cities to run on solar power at night.

Monday, March 11, 2013


Technology is important in this world for many reasons. We are able to use it as a GPS, look up information, and even communicate with other people. Over the past 5 years, technology has changed by modernizing itself and people make more things possible and do-able with them. We have a faster way of doing things. Over the next 5 years it will become less complicated and easier to use. It will have more things able to be done on it. I use technology a lot in my life, not only for home entertainment but for school too. I use the Internet a lot by looking up information, asking questions, and even typing an essay. For my entertainment, I go on my iPhone and Snapchat people, go on Facebook or Instagram, or just play some games. From Online A I learned a lot about new websites and how to use them. The one thing I will probably use the most would be the flashcards. I will use it to study for other classes to print off. This is also one of the most practical things to use because it can be used for any age it's easier, and even more fun, to study with flashcards than anything else. The one thing I know I will definitely never use again would be Audacity. I hate having to record my voice and I don't like listening to it either. My favorite thing to do was the presentation about countries because the country I had, Australia, is my favorite and I loved getting to spend my time learning more and more about the country. My least favorite was anything that had to do with recording my voice because not only was it embarrassing, but every time I had to record I happened to be sick.


Flash Cards

<iframe src="" height="410" width="100%" style="border:0;"></iframe>

Friday, March 1, 2013

Giraffe Podcast

Giraffe Podcast- Rachel, Helen and Michael

In this podcast, 3 kids  talks baout the physical appearances of giraffes. Their tongues can be up to 18 inches long, and even though they have a really long neck, there are only 7 vertebre in it. They can weigh 2-3 thousand pounds when all they eat are leaves. Giraffes also have 2-5 nobs on their heads. Even though I already new this stuff, it's nice to see kids excited and wanting to learn about these amazing creatures.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Voki vs. Blabberize

Voki and Blabberize are both websites where you can make characters and pictures talk. Both websites work well but in my opinion one is better than the other. I think Blabberize is better because you can take any picture and set how big their mouths will open, than you record your voice. I don't like Voki as much because they are characters that don't even look like you. They are characters that don't match with whoever your trying to describe and you can't upload a picture of yourself. Their also aren't many different descriptions or characteristics to choose from. I like the fact that in Blabberize, you can use any photo you choose.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Check this out on Chirbit

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Tracking Teresa Video

In the video "Tracking Teresa", Teresa gave out little information, that ended up being a bigger deal than she thought. she gave out information like what she likes to do, her email address, and her brothers name. When in her email, she gave out her number, her moms name, and her email address again. After a little bit of tracking in only 20 minutes, you already know where Teresa lives, directions to get there, and what school she goes to. The only personal information I have given out was my number, gender, and city I lived in. Also things I like to do. I think the most important thing to remember when using the internet is common sense. Think about the kind of people that could be on there and see what you post or put about yourself.

In another video called "Two kinds of Stupid", a junior in highschool was a star swimmer who made a new record, had really good grades, and a scholarship. After a swim meet one day his friends threw a huge party that he went to. He started drinking because everyone else was and took a lot of pictures. The pictures were bad because people were drinking. The next day, he posted the pictures online and set it to public so that way everyone can see them. Someone he went to school with sent the pictures to the principal and so he was called down to the office. The coach was also there and didn't like the situation. he was kicked off the team, lost his parents trust, got suspended, and had to say goodbye to his scholarship. Not only was he in trouble, but all of his friends that were in the picture also got into trouble. All because he posted one picture.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Status Cloud

Status Cloud is an app on facebook, where it takes the words you post into a cloud of a bunch of words. The bigger the word, the more often you use it. Its interesting to see this and all the words I use more than others.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Cyber-Bullying Movie

This movie, Cyberbully, was a very dramatic and depressing movie. In this movie a teenager is bullied after getting a online chat account which is almost like a twitter. She is called names and made fun of and everyone can see these comments. The bullying continued at school and got so bad that she tried to commit suicide. This story is based on a true event that happened to a 13 year old girl, and in my opinion this is a very sad and depressing movie. I cried. Nobody deserves to be bullied or treated this way, and nobody needs to be pushed so far where they think suicide is the only solution. Everyone who sees this movie will feel bad and think more about people who get bullied and how they need to speak up.

Thursday, January 31, 2013


Netiquette is Network plus Etiquette and that gives you Netiquette. The Network is Cyberspace, the internet, and being online. Etiquette is the proper way to behave, or forms required in social or official life. This together gives you netequette. A set of rules for behaving properly online. Netiquette affects everyone on the internet,all online users. Some good netiquettes are knowing what your writing about and using proper grammer, and don't take advantage of someone if you know more information than them. Some examples of poor netiquettes are reading through people's emails and not respecting their privacy.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

What's Legal?

A lot of people don't understand what is legal or not. Copyright is always misinterpreted as legal. Only certain types are legal. If you contact the person who is responsible for the original post/picture/song and ask to use it, the only way for this to be legal is if they allow you to use their information. File Sharing can also be legal but for most sites it's considerd illegal. If you ever want to use information on a website, contact the creator and ask permission. Than this will not be considered illegal. If you are caught and convicted of copyright, you could pay a fine and even spend time in jail. Plagirizing counts too. If you want to use certain information, change the words or ask to use the information.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Copyright: Johnny Cash vs Gordon Jenkins

This case between Johnny Cash and Gordon Jenkins was an interesting one. It is claimed that Johhnys song, Folsom Prison Blues on the album Seven Dreams was copyrighted from Gordon Jenkins song Cresent City Blues on the album "Second Dream: The Conductor". This case was actually settled out of court. When the lyrics to the two songs are compared side by side, they are a lot alike. The melody and tune also sound the same. Though Johnny Cash’s version is more fine tuned and shows more experienced talent, some of the lines have a few word differences, and some even word for word. Gordon Jenkins song came out in 1953, and Johnny Cashes 2 years later. Beverly Maher sings the Cresent City blues and she and Gordon decided to sue. The 1968 out of court settlement approached the hundred thousand mark. Cash ended up paying Jenkins $75,000 after it was all said and done. Even though I am a fan of Johnny and would definately stick up for him, this song definately is copyrighted.


Thursday, January 17, 2013

Research Project Wrap-Up

Although I don't really like to talk in front of a bunch of people, I think I did pretty well on my project. When I am doing a project on something I like, I try to do a really good job. I love Australia and want to go there so bad, so I wanted to make sure I did a good job on it. I think I didn't do such a great job on the presenting/ talking part, but on the project itself I think it was really good. In my opinion I had a lot of important facts and amazing pictures that would make anyone want to visit Australia. My favorite part was working on the Great Barrier Reef. There are so many things I want to do there it is just so beautiful. I want to go scuba diving and swim with sharks. My least favorite part was talking in front of a bunch of people, afraid I was going to mess up. i think the strongest point in my presentation was the Tour Stops. I loved working on that area and learned a lot more about the places. I just wish there was
 more tour stops because there are a lot more places I want to visit. 

Friday, January 4, 2013

Microsoft to Google: Play fair with Youtube

In this article Microsoft is claiming Google is distributing YouTube data to its mobile competitors unequally. Google is refusing to give up YouTube's "metadata," which includes video categories, favorites and ratings, for Microsoft's Windows Phone operating system Microsoft says.  A source says that it doesn't make sense for Google to write apps for every mobile operating system. Windows Phone also isn't popular enough to compete with Google. to develop and support a separate app for Microsoft phones. Windows Phone made up less than 3% of the smartphones around the world. Dave Heiner, Microsoft's deputy general counsel, Google is playing favorites with Apple, "which doesn't offer a competing search service."