Thursday, January 17, 2013

Research Project Wrap-Up

Although I don't really like to talk in front of a bunch of people, I think I did pretty well on my project. When I am doing a project on something I like, I try to do a really good job. I love Australia and want to go there so bad, so I wanted to make sure I did a good job on it. I think I didn't do such a great job on the presenting/ talking part, but on the project itself I think it was really good. In my opinion I had a lot of important facts and amazing pictures that would make anyone want to visit Australia. My favorite part was working on the Great Barrier Reef. There are so many things I want to do there it is just so beautiful. I want to go scuba diving and swim with sharks. My least favorite part was talking in front of a bunch of people, afraid I was going to mess up. i think the strongest point in my presentation was the Tour Stops. I loved working on that area and learned a lot more about the places. I just wish there was
 more tour stops because there are a lot more places I want to visit. 

1 comment:

  1. MAKAYLA I loved your presentation about Australia! I think its sweet that you researched that country because you actually going there! You did a great job! tell me when you go to Australia! :)
