Friday, January 25, 2013

Copyright: Johnny Cash vs Gordon Jenkins

This case between Johnny Cash and Gordon Jenkins was an interesting one. It is claimed that Johhnys song, Folsom Prison Blues on the album Seven Dreams was copyrighted from Gordon Jenkins song Cresent City Blues on the album "Second Dream: The Conductor". This case was actually settled out of court. When the lyrics to the two songs are compared side by side, they are a lot alike. The melody and tune also sound the same. Though Johnny Cash’s version is more fine tuned and shows more experienced talent, some of the lines have a few word differences, and some even word for word. Gordon Jenkins song came out in 1953, and Johnny Cashes 2 years later. Beverly Maher sings the Cresent City blues and she and Gordon decided to sue. The 1968 out of court settlement approached the hundred thousand mark. Cash ended up paying Jenkins $75,000 after it was all said and done. Even though I am a fan of Johnny and would definately stick up for him, this song definately is copyrighted.


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