Monday, February 4, 2013

Cyber-Bullying Movie

This movie, Cyberbully, was a very dramatic and depressing movie. In this movie a teenager is bullied after getting a online chat account which is almost like a twitter. She is called names and made fun of and everyone can see these comments. The bullying continued at school and got so bad that she tried to commit suicide. This story is based on a true event that happened to a 13 year old girl, and in my opinion this is a very sad and depressing movie. I cried. Nobody deserves to be bullied or treated this way, and nobody needs to be pushed so far where they think suicide is the only solution. Everyone who sees this movie will feel bad and think more about people who get bullied and how they need to speak up.

1 comment:

  1. Deputy Krupp: How would you react in a situation like this?
