Monday, March 11, 2013


Technology is important in this world for many reasons. We are able to use it as a GPS, look up information, and even communicate with other people. Over the past 5 years, technology has changed by modernizing itself and people make more things possible and do-able with them. We have a faster way of doing things. Over the next 5 years it will become less complicated and easier to use. It will have more things able to be done on it. I use technology a lot in my life, not only for home entertainment but for school too. I use the Internet a lot by looking up information, asking questions, and even typing an essay. For my entertainment, I go on my iPhone and Snapchat people, go on Facebook or Instagram, or just play some games. From Online A I learned a lot about new websites and how to use them. The one thing I will probably use the most would be the flashcards. I will use it to study for other classes to print off. This is also one of the most practical things to use because it can be used for any age it's easier, and even more fun, to study with flashcards than anything else. The one thing I know I will definitely never use again would be Audacity. I hate having to record my voice and I don't like listening to it either. My favorite thing to do was the presentation about countries because the country I had, Australia, is my favorite and I loved getting to spend my time learning more and more about the country. My least favorite was anything that had to do with recording my voice because not only was it embarrassing, but every time I had to record I happened to be sick.

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