Friday, May 17, 2013

My Screencast


  1. 1. How do you think you did?
    I think I did pretty well.
    2. Do you think the audience will be able to complete the tasks given based on your tutorial?
    3. What was easy and what did you have trouble with?
    It was easy to show how to complete the tasks, but I didnt enjoy the recording part.
    4. How could you use this Web 2.0 tool in the future?
    For school demonstrations and job tutorials.
    5. Other thoughts...
    I don't like recording my voice and posting it on the web where anyone can see it.

  2. Makayla, Nice quality to your voice recordings and at a perfect speed for your audience to comprehend. You seem to be having some difficulty with what you were showing your audience - that is why you need to practice before recording . . . don't waste the audience time. I do think the audience would be able to find where to add a gadget . . . you needed to give them an overview of what the gadgets are (purpose). 20/25 /B
